Student Internships
The museum hosts a number of interns every semester in history, the earth sciences, art, and museum studies. These experiences are structured around the skills and knowledge goals that are needed within individual academic programs. Past internships have included:
- The history and use of mine lighting technology in Pennsylvania industries. This project resulted in a student-curated exhibit, "The Glow of History: Mine Lamps through Time."
- The history of the Deike Collection of mine safety equipment. The student-curated exhibit that followed this project was "Retiring the Canary: MSA and Early Gas Detection in Mining."
MANTLE student organization
The Student-Museum Advisory Network to Leverage Engagement (MANTLE) club is an organization designed to is to connect Penn State students, both within and outside of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, with the EMS Museum & Art Gallery, to encourage student-museum engagement, collaboration, and feedback.